Prequel Overview

Getting started with Prequel.

Welcome to Prequel!

This guide contains the instructions for deploying, connecting, configuring, and monitoring Prequel. If Prequel has already been deployed, feel free to jump into the Quickstart Guide right away.

Deploying Prequel

Deployment is the first step to getting up and running with Prequel. We've outlined the steps for the different deployment options in the Deployment section of the docs.

Connecting Sources

Before data starts flowing, Prequel needs to connect to one or more of your sources.

Configuring Prequel

Once the sources are connected, each source must be configured. Configuration is the method by which data is filtered, transformed, and typed.

Connecting Destinations

Each destination that needs to receive data needs to be configured and connected to Prequel to begin the transfer.


Once operational, Prequel can be monitored by reviewing the logs.

Let us know how we can help!

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Thank you!