Quickstart Guide

Setup Prequel to begin sharing data with your customers to any data destination. Initial setup should take less than half a day.

Prerequisite: source data requirements

Ensure every source table you'd like to transfer has a unique ID (e.g., id), last updated column (e.g., updated_at), and can be filtered by tenant using an ID (e.g. organization_id column) or schema name.

1. Gather your deployment details

Depending on your chosen deployment option, make sure you have the following details available to complete the next steps:

Required InformationExample Values
Your service domain nameapi.prequel.co,
Your API keysk_staging_123e4567e89b12d3a456426655440000, sk_prod_123e4567e89b12d3a456426655440000
Prequel static IP35.192.85.117 (see here for more details)

2. Connect your source

Before transferring data, the source of the data (a database, data warehouse, or object store) must be connected.

Configure your source using one of the Source configuration guides, and add it to Prequel using the sources POST requestor Admin UI.

Adding your data source to Prequel using the Admin UI

Adding your data source to Prequel using the Admin UI

3. Configure your data model

After connecting a source, the data model should be specified to tell the Prequel service what tables to transfer, what columns to transfer, how to filter the data by owner/destination, and how to detect updates.

Once you've written your Prequel config files, you can publish to Prequel using aPOST request or automate the update within your CI/CD flow using a Github Action. Posting or patching a model will automatically validate the model against the source, unless the skip_model_validation flag is enabled.

  "model_name": "events",
  "description": "An event is any event that occurred on the platform",
  "columns": [
      "name_in_source": "id",
      "name_in_destination": "id",
      "data_type": "text",
      "is_primary_key": true
      "name_in_source": "log",
      "name_in_destination": "event_log",
      "data_type": "text"
      "name_in_source": "updated_at",
      "name_in_destination": "updated_at",
      "data_type": "timestamp",
      "is_last_modified": true
  "source_table": "example_source.events",
  "organization_column": "organization_id"

4. Connect a destination

Once the source of data is connected and the data model is configured and validated, you can begin adding destinations to which you'd like to transfer data.

The destination should be configured using one of the Destination configuration guides, and can be added to Prequel using the destinations POST request, Admin UI, or Magic Link.

Adding a destination to Prequel using the Admin UI

Adding a destination to Prequel using the Admin UI


What is id_in_provider_system?

id_in_provider_system refers to the data recipients identifier by which data will be filtered per organization. The value assigned to this key will be matched against the values under the organization_id column provided for every table.

5. Begin a transfer

Once a source and at least one destination are added, you can initiate a transfer. You can kick off a transfer using either the POST transfer request or Admin UI.

Begin a transfer manually using the Admin UI

Begin a transfer manually using the Admin UI

That's it!

Once data has been successfully synced, you can query the source and destination database to validate successful data transfers. Remember, data in the destination table is filtered by the tenant_id, so each destination dataset will likely have fewer rows than the unfiltered source.