Integration: Slack

Use webhooks to monitor Prequel events directly in your Slack account.

Use this guide as an example of how to setup your Slack account to receive Prequel webhook events.

Configuring your Slack account

  1. Create a new channel or find a channel where you'd like to deliver Prequel webhook events.
  2. Click More on your Slack sidebar, and navigate to the Automations section. Click the "+ Create Workflow button.
  3. In the Start from scratch section, select From a webhook.
  4. In the Choose how to start the workflow section, we recommend setting up at least two variables: type (text) and data (text). Click Continue, but immediately click the edit button (pencil) to reveal your Web request URL. Make a note of this URL. Click Cancel (if you haven't made any changes) to return to the previous screen.
  5. In the Steps section, click Messages and choose your preferred next step, such as Send a message to a channel. Select a channel, and write your message, being sure to include your variables you configured in the previous step.
  1. Click Publish to save your workflow.

Add your Slack Web Request URL as your Webhook target

  1. Using your Prequel API key and Slack Web Request URL, subscribe to the events you'd like to post to your selected Slack channel destination.
curl --request POST \
     --url https://<prequel_host>/webhooks \
     --header 'X-API-KEY: <api_key>' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
  "webhook": {
    "vendor": "generic_post",
    "api_version": "2023-10-15",
    "name": "Slack Webhook Subscription",
    "url": "<some_id>/<some_id>/<some_id>",
    "events": [