DocumentationAPI Reference

Error Codes

PRQL-DDAKAthena Authorization FailedThe Athena engine encountered an error. Please check that the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient permissions. Specifically, please check for Create Database on Catalog permission.
PRQL-XZWEAthena Cannot Find Requested Iceberg EntityAthena has detected a corrupted Iceberg table. Full refresh to resolve.
PRQL-ONNNAthena Connection RefusedThe Athena connection was refused. Please check that the provided Athena access details are correct.
PRQL-AWRIAthena Data Processing FailedThe Athena engine encountered a problem while attempting to process Iceberg formatted data.
PRQL-BSAXAthena Data Processing FailedThe Athena engine encountered an error related to the timestamp precision on some timestamp data.
PRQL-FLUUAthena Data Processing FailedThe Athena engine encountered a problem while attempting to process Iceberg formatted data.
PRQL-GVZMAthena Data Processing FailedThe Athena engine encountered a problem while attempting to process Hive formatted data.
PRQL-TJCZAthena Runtime Encountered ErrorThe Athena connection encountered a memory limit.
PRQL-WJTEAthena Runtime Encountered ErrorThe Athena connection encountered an error.
PRQL-WRFAAthena Runtime Encountered ErrorThe Athena engine encountered an error.
PRQL-YTNSAthena Runtime Encountered ErrorThe Athena connection encountered a resource limit.
PRQL-HDXPAthena Server Encountered Generic ErrorThe Athena connection encountered a generic internal error. If this error persists, please contact support.
PRQL-KLBOAthena Server Encountered Internal ErrorThe Athena connection encountered an internal error. If this error persists, please contact support.
PRQL-JRKJBigQuery Authentication FailedThe BigQuery connection was refused. Please check that that the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient access.
PRQL-PVERBigQuery Authentication FailedThe BigQuery connection was refused. Please check that that the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient access.
PRQL-SPJTBigQuery Authentication FailedThe BigQuery server rejected the connection. Please check that the provided authentication principal and credentials are valid.
PRQL-UJSZBigQuery Column Already ExistsThe BigQuery engine encountered an error. The target column name already exists.
PRQL-NIKQBigQuery Column Does Not ExistThe BigQuery engine encountered an error. The target column name is unrecognized.
PRQL-UCFBBigQuery Connection RefusedThe provided Google Cloud project has not enabled BigQuery.
PRQL-FGWVBigQuery Data Processing FailedThe BigQuery data transfer encountered an error during data transfer. The BigQuery target table may have duplicate data preventing successful updates.
PRQL-PWQDBigQuery Runtime Entountered ErrorThe BigQuery connection encountered an error.
PRQL-GKCBBigQuery Server Encountered ErrorThe BigQuery server encountered a temporary error and the connection was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support.
PRQL-MJOZClickHouse Connection RefusedThe provided ClickHouse host was not found. Please check that the provided host name is valid and accessible.
PRQL-OEVXClickHouse Connection RefusedThe provided ClickHouse host was not found. Please check that the provided host name is valid and accessible.
PRQL-UFTZClickHouse Connection RefusedThe provided ClickHouse host refused the connection. Please check that the provided host name is valid and accessible.
PRQL-MKEWDatabricks Connection Temporarily RejectedThe Databricks connection was temporarily rejected because the service is under maintenance.
PRQL-FUOMDatabricks Operation Not SupportedThe Databricks server encountered an error. Please check that the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient access.
PRQL-CYNRDatabricks Runtime Error EncounteredThe Databricks server encountered a temporary error and the connection was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support.
PRQL-YBLKDatabricks UnavailableThe Databricks server was unavailable. This is usually temporary and will resolve by itself. If this error persists, please contact support.
PRQL-PSZDDatabricks Warehouse StoppedThe Databricks transfer failed because the target warehouse was stopped.
PRQL-KJCHGCS Server Encountered ErrorThe GCS server encountered a temporary error and the connection was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support.
PRQL-NXPYGCS Server Encountered ErrorThe GCS server encountered a temporary error and the connection was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support.
PRQL-IXOLGoogle Sheets Authentication FailedThe Google Sheets server refused the connection.
PRQL-NEFPGoogle Sheets Authentication FailedThe Google Sheets server refused the connection.
PRQL-VDJXGoogle Sheets Data Processing FailedThe Google Sheets server encountered a temporary error and the connection was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support.
PRQL-LNWTGoogle Sheets Host Not FoundThe Google Sheets host could not be found. Please check that the provided host name is valid.
PRQL-BOSRGoogle Sheets Server Encountered ErrorThe Google Sheets server encountered an internal error and the connection was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support.
PRQL-CMETGoogle Sheets Server Encountered ErrorThe Google Sheets server connection encountered a temporary error and the connection was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support.
PRQL-GPDBGoogle Sheets Server Encountered ErrorThe Google Sheets server encountered an internal error and the connection was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support.
PRQL-YICWGoogle Sheets Server Encountered ErrorThe Google Sheets server encountered a resource quota limit.
PRQL-CLNUMongoDB Authentication FailedThe MongoDB connection was refused due to insufficient permissions. Please check that the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient access.
PRQL-KWZNMongoDB Authentication FailedThe MongoDB connection was successful, but the user is not authorized. Please check that the provided user has access.
PRQL-MJUMMongoDB Authentication FailedThe MongoDB connection was refused. Please check that the provided MongoDB access details are correct.
PRQL-FBNNMongoDB Collection Not FoundThe provided MongoDB collection was not found.
PRQL-BGZSMongoDB Connection FailedThe MongoDB connection was unsuccessful due to an unexpected configuration error. If the error persists, please contact support.
PRQL-KDCWMongoDB Connection RefusedThe MongoDB connection was refused. Please check that the provided MongoDB server is valid and accessible.
PRQL-MDXEMongoDB Runtime Encountered ErrorThe MongoDB connection exceeded a space quota.
PRQL-VIPDMongoDB Runtime Encountered ErrorThe MongoDB connection encountered a memory limit.
PRQL-QYYAMySQL Authentication FailedThe MySQL connection was refused due to insufficient permissions. Please check that the provided connection details have been granted sufficient access.
PRQL-AZBEMySQL Connection FailedThe provided MySQL host was not found. Please check the the provided host name is valid and accessible.
PRQL-DQTJMySQL Connection FailedThe provided MySQL port is invalid.
PRQL-AREWObject Storage Connection FailedThe specified bucket name contains invalid characters.
PRQL-EGJNObject Storage Connection FailedThe specified bucket does not exist.
PRQL-MCOQPostgres Authentication FailedThe Postgres connection was refused. Please check that the provided connection details are correct.
PRQL-JXOSPostgres Conflict With RecoveryThe Postgres connection was dropped by the server. This is usually due to a Hot Standby related query timeout. If this error persists, please contact support.
PRQL-RXOIPostgres Connection FailedThe Postgres connection was refused. Please check that the provided host is valid and accessible.
PRQL-TPOQPostgres Connection FailedThe Postgres connection was refused. Please check that the provided host is valid and accessible.
PRQL-VLMVPostgres Connection FailedThe Postgres connection was refused. Please check that the provided host is valid and accessible.
PRQL-QJXVPostgres Data Processing FailedThe Postgres connection encountered an error. At least one expected column was not found.
PRQL-SMHCPostgres Data Processing FailedThe Postgres connection encountered an error. At least one expected relation was not found.
PRQL-KKIMPostgres Runtime Encountered ErrorThe Postgres connection encountered an unexpected error and was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support.
PRQL-KPFZPostgres Runtime Encountered ErrorThe Postgres connection was dropped by the server. If this error persists, please contact support.
PRQL-UKMCPostgres Runtime Encountered ErrorThe Postgres connection was dropped due to a conflict with the recovery instance. This is usually due to a Hot Standby related query timeout. If this error persists, please contact support.
PRQL-ZSRSPostgres Runtime Encountered ErrorThe Postgres connection was refused on the schema. Please check that the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient access.
PRQL-ZSRSPostgres Runtime Encountered ErrorThe Postgres connection was refused on the view. Please check that the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient access.
PRQL-DXHSRedshift Authentication FailedThe provided Redshift connection was refused due to insufficient permissions. Please check that the provided connection details are correct and the principal has been granted sufficient permissions.
PRQL-RSFARedshift Authentication FailedThe Redshift connection was refused. Please check that the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient access.
PRQL-BLHIRedshift Connection FailedThe Redshift connection was refused. Please check that the provided host is valid and accessible.
PRQL-FTNXRedshift Connection FailedThe Redshift connection was refused. Please check that the provided host is valid and accessible.
PRQL-JCVIRedshift Data Processing FailedThe Redshift connection encountered an error. At least one expected column was not found.
PRQL-KMNNRedshift Data Processing FailedThe Redshift connection encountered an error. At least one expected relation was not found.
PRQL-WUZBRedshift Runtime Encountered ErrorThe Redshift connection encountered an unexpected error and was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support.
PRQL-GZDZSQL Server Connection FailedThe provided SQL Server host was not found. Please check that the provided host name is valid and accessible.
PRQL-VKCPSnowflake Authentication FailedThe Snowflake engine refused the operation due to insufficient permissions. Please check that the provided principal has been granted the required permissions.
PRQL-ZBSPSnowflake Authentication FailedThe provided Snowflake credentials are invalid. Please check that the correct credentials have been provided.
PRQL-IGRWSnowflake Authentication Rate LimitedThe Snowflake connection was rejected. This is likely due to too many failed connection attempts. Please check that the correct credentials have been provided.
PRQL-HFCOSnowflake Connection FailedThe provided Snowflake Account Host is not valid. Please check that your provided host name is a valid Snowflake account URL (ending in '').
PRQL-HFCOSnowflake Connection FailedIP whitelisting has not been properly configured in the provided Snowflake account. Please contact support to confirm the correct IP address to whitelist within Snowflake.
PRQL-PKANSnowflake Data Processing FailedThe Snowflake connection has no active warehouse. Please ensure the provided user has a default warehouse configured.
PRQL-YWUXSnowflake Data Processing FailedThe Snowflake server was unable to verify an object. Please check that the provided principal has access to the required Snowflake objects.
PRQL-UPSDSnowflake Password ExpiredThe given Snowflake password has expired. Snowflake suggests updating the password via the Snowflake web console.
PRQL-IRPWSnowflake Runtime Encountered ErrorThe Snowflake account has run out of virtual warehouse trial credit.
PRQL-WTKQSnowflake Runtime Encountered ErrorThe Snowflake account has been suspended due to the lack of a payment method.
PRQL-WONSSnowflake SQL InvalidThe Snowflake engine refused the operation due to invalid SQL.
PRQL-ERMSUnknown ErrorAn unknown error occurred.