Error Codes
Code | Title | Message |
PRQL-DDAK | Athena Authorization Failed | The Athena engine encountered an error. Please check that the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient permissions. Specifically, please check for Create Database on Catalog permission. |
PRQL-FDEW | Athena Authorization Failed | The Athena engine encountered an error. Please check that the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient permissions. |
PRQL-XZWE | Athena Cannot Find Requested Iceberg Entity | Athena has detected a corrupted Iceberg table. Full refresh to resolve. |
PRQL-ONNN | Athena Connection Refused | The Athena connection was refused. Please check that the provided Athena access details are correct. |
PRQL-AFOK | Athena Data Processing Failed | The Athena engine encountered a ConcurrentModificationException while interfacing with AWS Glue. |
PRQL-AWRI | Athena Data Processing Failed | The Athena engine encountered a problem while attempting to process Iceberg formatted data. |
PRQL-BSAX | Athena Data Processing Failed | The Athena engine encountered an error related to the timestamp precision on some timestamp data. |
PRQL-CFGX | Athena Data Processing Failed | The Athena engine encountered a problem while attempting to process data in hive mode. |
PRQL-FLUU | Athena Data Processing Failed | The Athena engine encountered a problem while attempting to process Iceberg formatted data. |
PRQL-GVZM | Athena Data Processing Failed | The Athena engine encountered a problem while attempting to process Hive formatted data. |
PRQL-CERZ | Athena Federated Read Error | Athena encountered an exception reading from a federated data source. Please refer to Athena logs for more information. |
PRQL-TJCZ | Athena Runtime Encountered Error | The Athena connection encountered a memory limit. |
PRQL-WJTE | Athena Runtime Encountered Error | The Athena connection encountered an error. |
PRQL-WRFA | Athena Runtime Encountered Error | The Athena engine encountered an error. |
PRQL-YTNS | Athena Runtime Encountered Error | The Athena connection encountered a resource limit. |
PRQL-HDXP | Athena Server Encountered Generic Error | The Athena connection encountered a generic internal error. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-KLBO | Athena Server Encountered Internal Error | The Athena connection encountered an internal error. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-GAIX | Athena Table Missing | The Athena query engine encountered an error. The table name was not recognized. |
PRQL-YZQZ | Azure Databricks Storage Request Not Authorized | The Azure Databricks storage request failed authorization. The storage account's 'Firewalls and virtual networks' settings may be blocking access to storage services. Please verify your Azure storage credentials or firewall exception settings. |
PRQL-JRKJ | BigQuery Authentication Failed | The BigQuery connection was refused. Please check that that the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient access. |
PRQL-PVER | BigQuery Authentication Failed | The BigQuery connection was refused. Please check that that the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient access. |
PRQL-SPJT | BigQuery Authentication Failed | The BigQuery server rejected the connection. Please check that the provided authentication principal and credentials are valid. |
PRQL-UJSZ | BigQuery Column Already Exists | The BigQuery engine encountered an error. The target column name already exists. |
PRQL-NIKQ | BigQuery Column Does Not Exist | The BigQuery engine encountered an error. The target column name is unrecognized. |
PRQL-UCFB | BigQuery Connection Refused | The provided Google Cloud project has not enabled BigQuery. |
PRQL-FGWV | BigQuery Data Processing Failed | The BigQuery data transfer encountered an error during data transfer. The BigQuery target table may have duplicate data preventing successful updates. |
PRQL-PWQD | BigQuery Runtime Entountered Error | The BigQuery connection encountered an error. |
PRQL-GKCB | BigQuery Server Encountered Error | The BigQuery server encountered a temporary error and the connection was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-MJOZ | ClickHouse Connection Refused | The provided ClickHouse host was not found. Please check that the provided host name is valid and accessible. |
PRQL-OEVX | ClickHouse Connection Refused | The provided ClickHouse host was not found. Please check that the provided host name is valid and accessible. |
PRQL-UFTZ | ClickHouse Connection Refused | The provided ClickHouse host refused the connection. Please check that the provided host name is valid and accessible. |
PRQL-XCNS | ClickHouse Rate Limited | The Clickhouse server encountered a resource quota limit for simultaneous queries. |
PRQL-CSVN | Databricks Concurrent Append Error Encountered | The Databricks server encountered a concurrent update to the target table. Please ensure no other INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, or MERGE queries are running. |
PRQL-LADF | Databricks Connection Closed Prematurely | The Databricks connection closed prematurely. This is usually temporary and will resolve by itself. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-MKEW | Databricks Connection Temporarily Rejected | The Databricks connection was temporarily rejected because the service is under maintenance. |
PRQL-OLKS | Databricks Encountered Internal Error | The Databricks connection encountered an internal error. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-JZQZ | Databricks Invalid Access Token | The Databricks connection was refused due to an invalid access token. Please check that the access token (dapi... ) is valid and the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient access. |
PRQL-QOCK | Databricks Java IO Error Encountered | The Databricks server encountered an error. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-FUOM | Databricks Operation Not Supported | The Databricks server encountered an error. Please check that the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient access. |
PRQL-QWEO | Databricks Query Timeout | The Databricks query connection timed out. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-CKSR | Databricks Rate Limit | The Databricks server encountered a rate limit. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-CYNR | Databricks Runtime Error Encountered | The Databricks server encountered a temporary error and the connection was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-YBLK | Databricks Unavailable | The Databricks server was unavailable. This is usually temporary and will resolve by itself. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-FSKS | Databricks Unexpected Operation State Error | The Databricks server encountered an unexpected operation state error. |
PRQL-PSZD | Databricks Warehouse Stopped | The Databricks transfer failed because the target warehouse was stopped. |
PRQL-KJCH | GCS Server Encountered Error | The GCS server encountered a temporary error and the connection was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-NXPY | GCS Server Encountered Error | The GCS server encountered a temporary error and the connection was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-IXOL | Google Sheets Authentication Failed | The Google Sheets server refused the connection. |
PRQL-NEFP | Google Sheets Authentication Failed | The Google Sheets server refused the connection. |
PRQL-VDJX | Google Sheets Data Processing Failed | The Google Sheets server encountered a temporary error and the connection was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-LNWT | Google Sheets Host Not Found | The Google Sheets host could not be found. Please check that the provided host name is valid. |
PRQL-BOSR | Google Sheets Server Encountered Error | The Google Sheets server encountered an internal error and the connection was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-CMET | Google Sheets Server Encountered Error | The Google Sheets server connection encountered a temporary error and the connection was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-GPDB | Google Sheets Server Encountered Error | The Google Sheets server encountered an internal error and the connection was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-YICW | Google Sheets Server Encountered Error | The Google Sheets server encountered a resource quota limit. |
PRQL-CLNU | MongoDB Authentication Failed | The MongoDB connection was refused due to insufficient permissions. Please check that the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient access. |
PRQL-KWZN | MongoDB Authentication Failed | The MongoDB connection was successful, but the user is not authorized. Please check that the provided user has access. |
PRQL-MJUM | MongoDB Authentication Failed | The MongoDB connection was refused. Please check that the provided MongoDB access details are correct. |
PRQL-FBNN | MongoDB Collection Not Found | The provided MongoDB collection was not found. |
PRQL-BGZS | MongoDB Connection Failed | The MongoDB connection was unsuccessful due to an unexpected configuration error. If the error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-KDCW | MongoDB Connection Refused | The MongoDB connection was refused. Please check that the provided MongoDB server is valid and accessible. |
PRQL-MDXE | MongoDB Runtime Encountered Error | The MongoDB connection exceeded a space quota. |
PRQL-VIPD | MongoDB Runtime Encountered Error | The MongoDB connection encountered a memory limit. |
PRQL-QYYA | MySQL Authentication Failed | The MySQL connection was refused due to insufficient permissions. Please check that the provided connection details have been granted sufficient access. |
PRQL-AZBE | MySQL Connection Failed | The provided MySQL host was not found. Please check the the provided host name is valid and accessible. |
PRQL-DQTJ | MySQL Connection Failed | The provided MySQL port is invalid. |
PRQL-AREW | Object Storage Connection Failed | The specified bucket name contains invalid characters. |
PRQL-EGJN | Object Storage Connection Failed | The specified bucket does not exist. |
PRQL-SAGK | Object Storage List IO Timeout | Object Storage client encountered IO timeout listing bucket objects. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-MCOQ | Postgres Authentication Failed | The Postgres connection was refused. Please check that the provided connection details are correct. |
PRQL-JXOS | Postgres Conflict With Recovery | The Postgres connection was dropped by the server. This is usually due to a Hot Standby related query timeout. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-RXOI | Postgres Connection Failed | The Postgres connection was refused. Please check that the provided host is valid and accessible. |
PRQL-TPOQ | Postgres Connection Failed | The Postgres connection was refused. Please check that the provided host is valid and accessible. |
PRQL-VLMV | Postgres Connection Failed | The Postgres connection was refused. Please check that the provided host is valid and accessible. |
PRQL-QJXV | Postgres Data Processing Failed | The Postgres connection encountered an error. At least one expected column was not found. |
PRQL-SMHC | Postgres Data Processing Failed | The Postgres connection encountered an error. At least one expected relation was not found. |
PRQL-FLQR | Postgres Missing PostGIS Extension | The PostGIS extenstion is required for the Postgres to recognize the type geometry . Please make sure PostGIS is installed. |
PRQL-KKIM | Postgres Runtime Encountered Error | The Postgres connection encountered an unexpected error and was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-KPFZ | Postgres Runtime Encountered Error | The Postgres connection was dropped by the server. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-UKMC | Postgres Runtime Encountered Error | The Postgres connection was dropped due to a conflict with the recovery instance. This is usually due to a Hot Standby related query timeout. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-ZSRS | Postgres Runtime Encountered Error | The Postgres connection was refused on the view. Please check that the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient access. |
PRQL-ZSRS | Postgres Runtime Encountered Error | The Postgres connection was refused on the schema. Please check that the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient access. |
PRQL-DXHS | Redshift Authentication Failed | The provided Redshift connection was refused due to insufficient permissions. Please check that the provided connection details are correct and the principal has been granted sufficient permissions. |
PRQL-RSFA | Redshift Authentication Failed | The Redshift connection was refused. Please check that the provided connection principal has been granted sufficient access. |
PRQL-BLHI | Redshift Connection Failed | The Redshift connection was refused. Please check that the provided host is valid and accessible. |
PRQL-FTNX | Redshift Connection Failed | The Redshift connection was refused. Please check that the provided host is valid and accessible. |
PRQL-ZJSM | Redshift Connection Reset By Peer | The Redshift connection was reset. This is likely due to a network issue. Please check your SSH, firewall, and network settings. If the issue persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-CSNQ | Redshift Data Processing Failed | The Redshift connection encountered an unknown error, contact support. |
PRQL-JCVI | Redshift Data Processing Failed | The Redshift connection encountered an error. At least one expected column was not found. |
PRQL-KMNN | Redshift Data Processing Failed | The Redshift connection encountered an error. At least one expected relation was not found. |
PRQL-WUZB | Redshift Runtime Encountered Error | The Redshift connection encountered an unexpected error and was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-GZDZ | SQL Server Connection Failed | The provided SQL Server host was not found. Please check that the provided host name is valid and accessible. |
PRQL-VKCP | Snowflake Authentication Failed | The Snowflake engine refused the operation due to insufficient permissions. Please check that the provided principal has been granted the required permissions. |
PRQL-ZBSP | Snowflake Authentication Failed | The provided Snowflake credentials are invalid. Please check that the correct credentials have been provided. |
PRQL-IGRW | Snowflake Authentication Rate Limited | The Snowflake connection was rejected. This is likely due to too many failed connection attempts. Please check that the correct credentials have been provided. |
PRQL-HFCO | Snowflake Connection Failed | The provided Snowflake Account Host is not valid. Please check that your provided host name is a valid Snowflake account URL (ending in ''). |
PRQL-HFCO | Snowflake Connection Failed | IP whitelisting has not been properly configured in the provided Snowflake account. Please contact support to confirm the correct IP address to whitelist within Snowflake. |
PRQL-PKAN | Snowflake Data Processing Failed | The Snowflake connection has no active warehouse. Please ensure the provided user has a default warehouse configured. |
PRQL-YWUX | Snowflake Data Processing Failed | The Snowflake server was unable to verify an object. Please check that the provided principal has access to the required Snowflake objects. |
PRQL-AFWL | Snowflake Database Does Not Exist or Not Authorized | The connection attempt failed due to an issue with permissions. Please confirm that the provided Snowflake database exists and the provided user has been authorized. If the error persists, please confirm that the provided user has been successfully granted access to the designated role, and that the default_role has been successfully configured on the user. |
PRQL-WLAM | Snowflake Incorrect Username or Password | The provided Snowflake username or passsword is incorrect. Please check that the correct username and password have been provided. |
PRQL-OFWE | Snowflake Key Auth Error | The Snowflake connection was refused. Please confirm that the provided Snowflake public key has been successfully assigned to the Snowflake user. |
PRQL-UPSD | Snowflake Password Expired | The given Snowflake password has expired. Snowflake suggests updating the password via the Snowflake web console. |
PRQL-QZQZ | Snowflake Quota Exceeded | The designated Snowflake warehouse cannot be resumed because the warehouse's resource monitor has exceeded its credit quota. |
PRQL-IRPW | Snowflake Runtime Encountered Error | The Snowflake account has run out of virtual warehouse trial credit. |
PRQL-JWOD | Snowflake Runtime Encountered Error | The Snowflake client encountered a temporary error and the connection was dropped. If this error persists, please contact support. |
PRQL-WTKQ | Snowflake Runtime Encountered Error | The Snowflake account has been suspended due to the lack of a payment method. |
PRQL-WONS | Snowflake SQL Invalid | The Snowflake engine refused the operation due to invalid SQL. |
PRQL-DSIO | Snowflake Timeout | Snowflake client encountered statement or warehouse timeout and canceled query. |
PRQL-FJOD | The provided AWS role does not have access to the Athena Workgroup. If the Athena Workgroup does not exist, the provided role does not have permission to create the workgroup. | The Athena connection encountered an error. |
PRQL-ERMS | Unknown Error | An unknown error occurred. |
Updated 4 days ago