DocumentationAPI Reference

Change detection

Change detection logic

At a high level, Prequel relies on a last_modified_at type column to detect changes between transfers. On the first transfer to any destination (or on a full_refresh), all historical data is transferred, and the greatest last_modified_at value is recorded. On any subsequent transfer, the data is filtered such that only data with greater than any of the previous last_modified_at values is transferred. This allows Prequel to predictably transfer batches of updated data.

-- simplified incremental transfer query 
SELECT * FROM some_source_table
WHERE some_last_modified_at_column >= to_timestamp({{.LastModifiedAtEpoch}})
AND some_organization_id_column = '{{.IdInProviderSystem}}';

Timestamp precision

When the greatest last_modified_at value is recorded, it is stored as an epoch, or "unix timestamp". This value has second precision.

For example, if a batch of data is transferred where the greatest last_modified_at timestamp value was 2025-01-01 1:15:30 AM, the equivalent epoch integer will be stored: 1735694130.

Eventual consistency

In many cases, the source data platform may have eventual consistency concerns. Especially in cases where the last_modified_at timestamp is generated by an external system and cannot be guaranteed to be inserted in a monotonically increasing values. For this reason, Prequel adds a "lookback window" to each incremental transfer. This "lookback" window differs by source vendor. For example, for Athena, this interval is 5 MIN.

SELECT * FROM some_source_table
-- 5 min is the lookback period
WHERE some_last_modified_at_column >= to_timestamp({{.LastModifiedAtEpoch}} - INTERVAL 5 MIN)
AND some_organization_id_column = '{{.IdInProviderSystem}}';

Interaction with a custom source_query

If you choose to use a source_query instead of the default table query, you may wonder how your source query interacts with the change detection queries.

In cases where a source_query is used, Prequel applies the same predicate filtering outside of the custom source_query.

WITH some_source_query AS (...)
SELECT * FROM some_source_query
WHERE some_last_modified_at_column >= to_timestamp({{.LastModifiedAtEpoch}} - INTERVAL 5 MIN)
AND some_organization_id_column = '{{.IdInProviderSystem}}';


Change detection over a source_query

If your source_query preemptively filters data using a last_modified_at column, you may avoid the safety of the lookback window. In some cases, this may be intentional, but this tradeoff should be considered as you think about your upstream data pipeline.


Timestamp precision in a source_query resulting in missing rows

Because Prequel only stores the LastModifiedAtEpoch with second precision, comparing that value with a timestamp of higher precision could result in skipped rows.

For example, imagine a scenario where:

  • Prequel observes an last_modified_at time of 2025-01-01 00:00:01.600.
  • Prequel records this as an Epoch 1735689601 (corresponding to 2025-01-01 00:00:02).
  • A custom source_query is used, which does not account for rounding/second precision:
    • SELECT * FROM some_source_query WHERE some_last_modified_at_column >= to_timestamp({{.LastModifiedAtEpoch}}

Since the custom source_query does not also round the some_last_modified_at_column to second level precision, any rows of data with values timestamps between 00:00:01.600 and 00:00:02.00 may be skipped.

This can easily be solved by either rounding the some_last_modified_at column, or implementing your own lookback window.

Calculating deltas

In many Prequel reports, a count of "delta" rows transferred is calculated. This does not use a lookback window, and attempts to report the most accurate count of data that has changed since the last transfer (without the risk of sacrificing data integrity).

FROM internal_data_batch
WHERE CAST({{.LastUpdatedAtColumnName}} AS TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) > CAST(to_timestamp({{.HighwaterMarkEpoch}}) AS TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE);